Legal Notices
This page relates to the service of legal notices on Judo Capital Holdings Limited ABN 71 612 862 727 and/or Judo Bank Pty Limited ABN 11 615 995 581 (together, “Judo”).
Service of statutory notices and legal documents
Please serve all statutory notices and legal documents (including subpoenas, writs, garnishee orders and notices to produce) on Judo in accordance with Section 109X of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by mailing or hand delivering them to Judo’s registered office, addressed to:
The Proper Officer
Judo Bank Pty Limited and/or Judo Capital Holdings Limited
Level 26, Queen and Collins
376-390 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
Service of legal notices (including, for the avoidance of doubt, subpoenas) will not be accepted via fax or email.
Conduct money for subpoenas
Please pay conduct money to Judo by Electronic Funds Transfer (“EFT”) using the following account and transaction description:
Name: Judo Bank
BSB: 012 003
ACC: 838 094 098
Transaction description: Court proceeding number or LEA reference numbers
Please ensure that you provide a payment confirmation receipt when serving a subpoena on Judo.
By accepting a payment of conduct money by EFT (or any other means), Judo reserves its rights to request or apply for additional amounts that may be incurred in connection with:
- witness expenses in complying with a subpoena; and/or
- Judo’s costs for the retrieval, review and collation of documents and records that may be responsive to a subpoena.
Timeframes for production
To assist with timing of production for notices or subpoenas served on Judo:
- where practical, Judo requires at least 14 days’ prior notice be provided for any production to give Judo sufficient time to conduct appropriate searches, retrieve and review documents, and arrange production; and
- for any notices or subpoenas that request a broad range of documents (either by reference to the type of document or the period to which the document(s) relate), Judo may require more than 14 days. If so, we will let you know as soon as we can.